Satellite School Teacher Resources

Remember to send digital or hard copies of all completed data sheets and quality assurance observation sheets to the Watershed Guardians Coordinator.

  • Please feel free to print out data sheets (for students) and quality assurance observation sheets (for teachers) as needed.

    Data Sheets

    Quality Assurance Observation

  • The presentation that the museum educator will use when visiting for the classroom lesson. Teachers are not required to use these slides prior to the field trip unless directed by the museum educator. However, please feel free to use these slides as a way of reviewing Watershed Guardians content with students who are doing satellite site testing without a museum educator on site or with students who are new to the program.

    Middle School Lesson Slides

    High School Lesson Slides

  • This is an important part of assuring the quality of data collected by students. It allows professional scientists using the database to know how well students scored on their understanding of the protocol before conducting research in the field. Please have students who are new to the program complete a protocol review and send a digital or hard copy to the Watershed Guardians Coordinator!