
adopt a bird today to sponsor the conservation of the Museum's bird collection, and support collection management at the Museum. All adoptions are valid for one year.

When you adopt a bird you will receive:

  • Your name displayed on the bird mount in the Museum for one year

  • Photo and detailed description of sponsored bird

The Museum is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. The Museum's Tax Identification number is 32-0268455.

To adopt a bird, Please fill out our inquiry form below or contact Maya Sosa, 831.648.5716 ext. 17,

*If you would like to adopt more than one bird please fill out a separate form for each bird.*

Available Adopt-A-Bird List: Don’t miss out on the chance to adopt an adorable bird and support the Museum! Take your pick from below:

Hatchling - $30

(In order to encourage more children to be involved in our Adopt-A-Bird Program, Hatchling Level birds must be adopted by, or in the name of someone under 18)

Copper - $60    

American Goldfinch- Male

American Pipit

Ash Throated Flycatcher- Female

Bank Swallow- Female

Bank Swallow- Female

Bank Swallow- Male

Bell’s Sparrow- Sage Sparrow

Black Necked Stilt- Downy Chick

Black Throated Gray Warbler- Female

Black Throated Sparrow

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher- Male

Bonaparte’s Gull

Bonaparte’s Gull- Male (Alt. Plumage)

Brewer’s Black Bird- Female

Brewer’s Black Bird- Male

Brown Headed Cowbird- Female

Brown Headed Cowbird- Male

Bullock’s Oriole-Female

Bullock’s Oriole-Male

Chipping Sparrow- Male

Cliff Swallow- Female

Cliff Swallow- Male

Common Gallinule


Dunlin- Alt. Plumage

Dunlin- Basic Plumage

European Starling

European Starling- Male

European Starling- Male (Alt. Plumage)

Fox Sparrow-Male

Fox Sparrow- Male

Glaucous Gull

Glacous Winged Gull- Male

Golden Crowned Sparrow

Hairy Woodpecker- Female

Hermit Thrush- Male

Herring Gull- Male

Horned Lark- Female

House Sparrow- Female

House Sparrow- Male

Lawrence’s Goldfinch- Male

Lawrence’s Goldfinch- Male

Least Bittern

Lesser Goldfinch- Male

Mew Gull

Mourning Dove

Nashville Warbler

Northern Flicker- Male

Northern Red Breasted Sapsucker- Male

Nutthall’s Woodpecker- Female

Nutthall’s Woodpecker- Male 

Olive Sided Flycatcher- Male

Purple Finch- Female

Red Knot

Red Winged Blackbird- Female

Ring Billed Gull

Ring Billed Gull- Female

Rock Pigeon

Sabine’s Gull- Male

Savannah Sparrow- Female

Song Sparrow- Female

Tricolor Blackbird- Female

Tricolored Blackbird- Male

Vesper Sparrow- Male

Violet Green Swallow- Juvenal

   Violet Green Swallow- Male

Western Meadowlark- Female

Western Meadowlark- Male

White Breasted Nuthatch- Male

White Crowned Sparrow- First basic Plumage

White Throated Sparrow

Wilson’s Warbler- Female

Yellow Breasted Chat

Yellow Warbler- Male 

Bronze - $125

American Kestrel- Female

American Kestrel- Male

Ancient Murrelet

Arctic Tern - Male

Baird’s Sandpiper- Female

Band Tailed Pigeon - Female

Black Legged Kittiwake

Black Tern - Male

Black Turnstone - Female

Black Vented Shearwater

Blue Grosbeak

Brown Creeper- Male

Buller’s Shearwater

California Thrasher - Female

Caspian Tern - Chick

Cassin's Auklet - Male

Cedar Waxwing- Female

Cedar Waxwing- Male

Clapper Rail - Female

Clark’s Grebe

Common Ground Dove

Common Tern

Common Tern

Cooper’s Hawk- Male



Eared Grebe - Alt. Plumage

Eared Grebe

Elegant Tern- Female

Evening Grosbeak- Female

Evening Grosbeak- Male

Forster's Tern - Male

Hooded Oriole-Male

Lazuli Bunting- Female

Least Tern

lesser Nighthawk

Loggerhead Shrike- Male

Long Billed Dowitcher - Alt. Plumage

Long Billed Dowitcher - Basic Plumage

Northern Goshawk

Northern Fulmar - Dark Morph

Northern Fulmar

Northern Pygmy Owl- Female

Northern Waterthrush - Male

Ovenbird - Female

Phainopepla- Female

Phainopepla- Male

Pine Siskin

Pink Footed Shearwater

Red Crossbill- Female

Red Crossbill- Male

Red Phalarope - Female (Alt. Plumage)

Red Phalarope - Male

Red Necked Phalarope - Female

Red Necked Phalarope - Female (Alt. Plumage)

Red Necked Phalarope - Juvenal

Royal Tern - Male

Ruddy Turnstone - Male

Semipalmated Plover - Male

Sharp Shinned Hawk - Male

Sharp Shinned Hawk - Male Juvenal

Semipalmated Plover

Short Tailed Shearwater

Surfbird - Alt. Plumage

Surfbird - Juvenal Plumage

Virginia Rail

Wandering Tattler - Alt Plumage

Wandering Tattler - Juvenal Plumage

Western Grebe

Western Grebe

Western Gull - Immature

Whimbrel- Female


Wilson's Phalarope - Male

Wilson's Snipe

Yellow Rail

Yellow Headed Blackbird- Female

Yellow Headed Blackbird- Male

Rudy Duck Blue Bill- Male

Ruddy Duck- Female

Silver - $250

Allen’s hummingbird

American Wigeon - Female

American Wigeon - Male

Anna's Hummingbird - Female

Anna's Hummingbird - Male

Ashy Storm Petrel

Black Bellied Plover

Black Brant

Black Chinned Hummingbird - Male

Black Scoter - Male

Black Storm Petrel - Male

Brandt's Cormorant - Male

Bufflehead - Female

Bufflehead - Male

Canvasback - Female

Canvasback - Male

Cinnamon Teal - Female

Common Goldeneye - Female

Common Goldeneye - Male

Common Merganser - Female

Common Merganser - Male

Common Merganser - Male

Costa’s Hummingbird- male

Fork Tailed Strom Petrel- Male

Gadwall - Female

Gadwall - Male

Greater White Fronted Goose - Male

Greater White Fronted Goose

Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Green Winged Teal- Female

Green Winged Teal- Male

Harlequin Duck - Female

Harlequin Duck - Male

Leach's Storm Petrel- Male

Lesser Scaup - Female

Lesser Scaup - Male

Lesser Yellowlegs

Mallard - Female

Mountain Plover

Northern Shoveller- Female

Northern Shoveller- Male

Pectoral Sandpiper

Red Knot

Redhead- Female

Rednead- Male

Ring Necked Duck - Male

Ross’s Goose

Snow Goose

Townsend's Solitaire

Varied Thrush - Female

Varied Thrush - Male

Gold - $350

Black Rail - Female

Cattle Egret - Male

Common Loon

Common Loon

Horned Puffin-Female

Pigeon Guillemot - Female

Pigeon Guillemot

Rhinoceros Auklet - Male

Snowy Egret

Tufted Puffin

Calliope Hummingbird- Male

Platinum - $500

Hooded Merganser- Female

Hooded Merganser- Male

Long Tailed Duck- Male

Marbled Murrelet- Female

Northern Harrier- Female

Northern Harrier - Male

Parasitic Jaeger- Male

Pacific Loon - Alt. plumage

Pied Billed Grebe

Promarine Jaeger - Male

Red Breasted Merganser- Male

Red Necked Grebe

Red Throated Loon - Female

Red Throated Loon - Male

Ruddy Duck- Male

Ruddy Duck- Female

Surf Scoter - Female

Surf Scoter - Male

White Winged Scoter- Female

White Winged Scoter - Male

Yellow Billed Loon - Female

Yellow Billed Magpie

Diamond - $750

Greater Roadrunner

Prairie Falcon

Spotted Owl

Tundra Swan

Jade - $1000

Barn Owl

California Condor