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Sustainable PG, May Meeting 'Ocean Frontiers'

This month, Sustainable Pacific Grove presents ‘Ocean Frontiers: The dawn in a new era in ocean stewardship,' an award-winning film featuring a  new way of thinking, a new way of living, in concert with the sea, in consideration of those yet to come.

An inspiring voyage to coral reefs, seaports and watersheds across the country, where unlikely allies—farmers, shippers, scientists, fishermen and conservationists—are working together to sustain the sea and our ocean economies.

Ocean Frontiers shows how people interested in marine conservation and economic development can work together toward real solutions and sustainable future.

The mission of Sustainable PG is to meet the challenge of declining resources and climate change by helping our communities transition to sustainable practices. Our mission is to make Pacific Grove a model of transition to sustainability through innovative, active, local solutions that enhance community. Transitioning sustainably means attending to an array of issues  --- energy, food, localization, transport, waste, water, and more --- each interacting with all of the others.

Free admission.

For more information,

Monthly programs vary from films to talks by experts.

Wednesday, May 13, 7 pm