Support the Museum

Museum Memberships
All member benefits are fully tax deductible and include:
Unlimited admission
Biweekly e-newsletter
Invitations to member exclusive events
Free guest passes
Discounts on store merchandise, events, classes, and camps
* For levels $250 and above, contact for all your benefits.
All member benefits for one adult, plus:
• 10% savings in the Museum Store
• 1 single-use guest pass
All member benefits for two adults, plus:
• 10% savings in the Museum Store
• 2 single-use guest passes
All member benefits for two adults, plus children or grandchildren, 17 and under, plus:
• 20% savings in Museum Store
• 2 transferable guest passes
• Discount on birthday parties, camps, and kids’ clubs
All member benefits for two adults, plus children or grandchildren, 17 and under, plus:
• 20% savings in the Museum Store
• 2 transferable guest passes
• Discount on birthday parties, camps, and kids’ clubs
• 2 free tickets to our Night Owl event
All member benefits for two adults, plus children or grandchildren, 17 and under,plus:
• 20% savings in the Museum Store
• 4 transferable guest passes
• Discount on birthday parties, camps, and kids’ clubs
• 4 free tickets to our Night Owl event
All Patron benefits, plus:
Guided tour of the Monarch Sanctuary
10% Facility rental discount
All Curator's Circle benefits, plus:
Invitation to behind the scenes, curator-led tour of the collection
Support our Future
The biggest investment you can make in the Museum is to support our general operations. As the only Natural History Museum on the Central Coast dedicated to preserving our natural and cultural history, please consider investing in our future. To learn more about our priorities, review the document below.
If you’re inspired to donate to the Museum, please consider monthly or annual gifts. By being a repeat donor, you provide a dependable base of revenue to support our general operations. Please select Program Operations on the drop-down designation field.
Adopt-a-Bird Sponsorship
Make a positive difference for the environment and the museum by adopting a bird today. Your sponsorship supports bird conservation and helps with collection management. Each adoption is meaningful for one year, helping preserve our natural history for future generations.
When you adopt a bird you will receive:
Your name displayed on the bird mount in the Museum for one year
A specially designed bookmark just for you
*The Museum is a non-profit organization and all adoptions are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Sample of Available Birds
Complete List of Adoptable Birds
American Goldfinch- Male
American Pipit
Ash Throated Flycatcher- Female
Bank Swallow- Female
Bank Swallow- Male
Bell’s Sparrow
Black Headed Grosbeak- Female
Black Headed Grosbeak- Male
Black Throated Gray Warbler- Female
Black Throated Sparrow
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher- Male
Bonaparte’s Gull
Bonaparte’s Gull- Male (Alt. Plumage)
Brewer’s Black Bird- Female
Brewer’s Black Bird- Male
Brown Headed Cowbird- Female
Brown Headed Cowbird- Male
Bullock’s Oriole-Female
Bullock’s Oriole-Male
Cassin's Vireo
Chestnut Backed Chickadee- Juvenile
Chipping Sparrow- Male
Cliff Swallow- Female
Cliff Swallow- Male
Common Gallinule
Dunlin- Alt. Plumage
Dunlin- Basic Plumage
European Starling
European Starling- Male
European Starling- Male (Alt. Plumage)
Fox Sparrow-Male
Fox Sparrow- Male
Glaucous Gull
Glacous Winged Gull- Male
Golden Crowned Kinglet
Golden Crowned Sparrow
Hermit Thrush- Male
Horned Lark- Female
House Sparrow- Female
House Sparrow- Male
Hutton's Vireo- Female
Hutton's Vireo- Female
Lawrence’s Goldfinch- Male
Lawrence’s Goldfinch- Male
Least Bittern
Lesser Goldfinch- Male
Mew Gull
Nashville Warbler
Northern Red Breasted Sapsucker-Male
Olive Sided Flycatcher- Male
Pacific Slope Flycatcher
Purple Finch- Female
Red Winged Blackbird- Female
Ring Billed Gull
Ring Billed Gull- Female
Sabine’s Gull- Male
Savannah Sparrow- Female
Song Sparrow- Female
Spotted Towhee- Female
Townsend's Warbler
Tricolor Blackbird- Female
Tricolored Blackbird- Male
Tree Swallow
Vesper Sparrow- Male
Violet Green Swallow- Juvenal
Violet Green Swallow- Male
Western Bluebird- Juvenile
Western Bluebird- Female
Western Meadowlark- Male
White Breasted Nuthatch- Male
White Crowned Sparrow- First basic Plumage
White Throated Sparrow
White Throated Swift
Wilson’s Warbler- Female
Yellow Breasted Chat
Yellow Warbler- Male -
Ancient Murrelet
Arctic Tern - Male
Baird’s Sandpiper- Female
Black Legged Kittiwake
Black Tern - Male
Black Turnstone - Female
Black Vented Shearwater
Blue Grosbeak
Buller’s Shearwater
California Thrasher - Female
Caspian Tern - Chick
Cassin’s Auklet - Male
Cedar Waxwing- Female
Cedar Waxwing- Male
Clapper Rail - Female
Clark’s Grebe
Common Ground Dove
Common Tern
Common Tern
Connecticut Warbler
Eared Grebe - Alt. Plumage
Eared Grebe
Evening Grosbeak- Female
Evening Grosbeak- Male
Flammulated Owl
Forster’s Tern - Male
Lazuli Bunting- Female
Least Tern
lesser Nighthawk
Loggerhead Shrike- Male
Long Billed Dowitcher - Basic Plumage
Northern Goshawk
Northern Fulmar - Dark Morph
Northern Fulmar
Northern Pygmy Owl- Female
Northern Waterthrush - Male
Ovenbird - Female
Phainopepla- Female
Phainopepla- Male
Pine Siskin
Pink Footed Shearwater
Red Crossbill- Female
Red Crossbill- Male
Red Phalarope - Female (Alt. Plumage)
Red Phalarope - Male
Red Necked Phalarope - Female
Red Necked Phalarope - Female (Alt. Plumage)
Red Necked Phalarope - Juvenal
Royal Tern - Male
Ruddy Duck Blue Bill- Male
Ruddy Duck- Female
Ruddy Turnstone - Male
Semipalmated Plover - Male
Sharp Shinned Hawk - Male
Sharp Shinned Hawk - Male Juvenal
Semipalmated Plover
Short Tailed Shearwater
Swainson's Thrush
Surfbird - Alt. Plumage
Surfbird - Juvenal Plumage
Virginia Rail
Wandering Tattler - Alt Plumage
Wandering Tattler - Juvenal Plumage
Western Grebe
Western Grebe
Western Gull
Western Gull - Immature
Whimbrel- Female
Wilson’s Phalarope - Male
Wilson’s Snipe
Yellow Rail
Yellow Headed Blackbird- Female
Yellow Headed Blackbird- Male -
American Wigeon - Female
American Wigeon - Male
Anna’s Hummingbird - Female
Anna’s Hummingbird - Male
Ashy Storm Petrel
Black Bellied Plover
Black Brant
Black Chinned Hummingbird - Male
Black Scoter - Male
Black Storm Petrel - Male
Brandt’s Cormorant - Male
Bufflehead - Female
Bufflehead - Male
Canvasback - Female
Cinnamon Teal - Female
Common Goldeneye - Female
Common Goldeneye - Male
Common Merganser - Female
Common Merganser - Male
Common Merganser - Male
Common Poorwill
Fork Tailed Strom Petrel- Male
Gadwall - Female
Gadwall - Male
Greater White Fronted Goose - Male
Greater White Fronted Goose
Greater Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Green Winged Teal- Female
Green Winged Teal- Male
Harlequin Duck - Female
Harlequin Duck - Male
Layson Albatross
Leach’s Storm Petrel- Male
Lesser Scaup - Female
Lesser Scaup - Male
Lesser Yellowlegs
Mallard - Female
Mountain Plover
Mountain Quail
Northern Shoveller- Female
Northern Shoveller- Male
Pectoral Sandpiper
Red Knot
Redhead- Female
Rednead- Male
Ring Necked Duck - Male
Ross’s Goose
Snow Goose
Townsend’s Solitaire
Varied Thrush - Female
Varied Thrush - Male
Wild Turkey
Black Rail - Female
Cattle Egret - Male
Common Loon
Common Loon
Horned Puffin-Female
Pigeon Guillemot - Female
Pigeon Guillemot
Rhinoceros Auklet - Male
Snowy Egret
Tufted Puffin
Calliope Hummingbird - Male -
Hooded Merganser- Female
Hooded Merganser- Male
Long Tailed Duck- Male
Marbled Murrelet- Female
Northern Harrier- Female
Northern Harrier - Male
Parasitic Jaeger- Male
Pacific Loon - Alt. plumage
Pied Billed Grebe
Promarine Jaeger - Male
Red Breasted Merganser- Male
Red Necked Grebe
Red Throated Loon - Female
Red Throated Loon - Male
Ruddy Duck- Male
Ruddy Duck- Female
Surf Scoter - Female
Surf Scoter - Male
White Winged Scoter- Female
White Winged Scoter - Male
Yellow Billed Loon - Female
Yellow Billed Magpie -
Ferruginous Hawk
Greater Roadrunner
Prairie Falcon
Sandhill Crane-Female
Spotted Owl
Tundra Swan -
California Condor
Great Egret
Business Memberships*
All Business Members receive:
Your logo with live link on our website
Invitation to select member and donor events for your board officers
Upon request, meeting setup and breakdown of 20 chairs and 2 tables
4 Museum guest passes per organization
Tax-deductible member dues
*Please coordinate with your museum representative to receive your benefits.
Five 2-hour business meetings per year in the Bird Gallery (upon request)
1 Free ticket to Night Owl, our signature special event
Five 2-hour business meetings per year in the Bird Gallery (upon request)
One education presentation* by a museum scientist
2 Free tickets to Night Owl, our signature special event
E-newsletter and web calendar spotlight minimum once per year which reaches over 3,000 people
Ten 3-hour business meetings per year in the Bird Gallery and listed on our events calendar (upon request)
Half-page Ad in the Museum’s Annual Event Program
Free one-hour collection tour OR one education presentation* by a museum scientist
3 Free tickets to Night Owl, our signature special event
E-newsletter and web calendar spotlight minimum once per year which reaches over 3,000 people
Ten 3-hour business meetings per year in the Bird Gallery and listed on our events calendar (upon request)
Full-page Ad in the Museum’s Annual Event Program
One education presentation* by a Museum scientist
Free one-hour collection tour
4 Free tickets to Night Owl, our signature special event
E-newsletter and web calendar spotlight minimum once per year which reaches over 3,000 people
Choose the Level that’s Right for your Organization:
Support Bus Scholarships
Every year, the Museum hosts thousands of students with FREE museum field trips. Schools sometimes have trouble paying for things like bus rides. Your donation can help more K-5 students visit the Museum and learn about nature. Your donation could spark a love for nature that lasts a lifetime. Please donate today to support student field trips.
Stewardship Fund
Did you know there are other ways to support the future longevity of the Museum? As stewards of your generous donations, we created a Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove Stewardship Fund at the Community Foundation for Monterey County. Managed by a professional investment team, the funds are placed in an investment pool, providing the benefits of a diverse investment portfolio and low investment fees that typically come only with very large funds. A trusted investment and a good way to support the Museum.
Monarch Society
The Monarch Society includes our most influential and dedicated supporters who believe in growing stewardship of and accessibility to the Museum and the natural and cultural history of the Central Coast.
Their historic and continued commitment has helped us grow into the thriving Museum we are today, and their impact has been felt deeply on our exhibits, programs, and outreach efforts to bring the wonders of the natural world to Monterey County residents. In recognition of their support, we created the Monarch Society, which offers special access to the Museum and its collections. For them we host exclusive events each year that reflect the mission of the Museum and provide roadmaps to where we’re headed next.
If you want to help the Museum as we open this next chapter of our 140-year history, you can express your interest in joining the Monarch Society today to Susan Wolfe, Director of Development and Engagement, at or 831-648-5716 ext. 26.
Leave a Legacy
Have you thought about your legacy and how you want to be remembered by your family, friends, and community? Our Museum has always been deeply rooted in community. At its heart, we have strived to create a space of learning and discovery to connect everyone who wants with the natural world. Our collections act as a gateway to history, a key revealing secrets of the past and wonders of the present and preserving them is a vital tenant of our mission and work.
Leaving a planned gift to the Museum goes so far beyond our building, it’s a legacy that lives on in the community. It reaches all corners of the County by supporting our work. The 1883 Society, aptly named for the first year we opened our doors, honors those extraordinary people who have included the Museum in their estate plans to ensure that the Museum serves the community through our exhibits, collections, and education programs.
As a small non-profit, your gift will have a dramatic impact on the Museum and the natural world for generations to come. We highly recommend that you contact your Financial Adviser to discuss the best way to achieve your goals and for all legal advice. The Museum is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
If a planned gift to the Museum is part of your estate plan, then we would be happy to ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Simply complete the form below or contact Susan Wolfe, Director of Development and Engagement at 831.648.5716 ext. 26 or
Business Sponsors